Archives for ACG

di 10 augustus 2021
Balanced-by-construction regular and omega-regular languages
di 27 juli 2021
Correlated Pseudorandom Functions from Variable-Density Learning Parity with Noise
di 13 juli 2021
Security evaluation of industrial control systems using system emulation and fuzzing
di 15 juni 2021
A Semantic Model for Interacting Cyber-Physical Systems
di 01 juni 2021
Symbolic Execution Formally Explained
di 18 mei 2021
Verification of Distributed Epistemic Gossip Protocols (2)
di 04 mei 2021
On Dynamic Software Updates
di 06 april 2021
Reasoning about call-by-value recursive procedures in Hoare logic
di 23 maart 2021
PwoP: Intrusion-Tolerant and Privacy-Preserving Sensor Fusion
di 09 maart 2021
Integrating ADTs in KeY and their Application to History-based Reasoning
di 23 februari 2021
Scheduling Protocols
di 09 februari 2021
Problem of coordination in cyber-physical system
di 26 januari 2021
Push-down automata and context-free grammars in bisimulation semantics
di 15 december 2020
Erasable PUFs: Formal Treatment and Generic Design
di 24 november 2020
Toward Secure Computing Environments
di 10 november 2020
History-based Specification and Verification of Java Collections in KeY
di 27 oktober 2020
Overview of the Reowolf Project
di 10 maart 2020
Safety, Precisely: Quasi-Multidimensional Dyck Languages and a Kleene Theorem
zo 12 januari 2020
Discourje: Runtime Verification of Communication Protocols in Clojure
di 17 december 2019
Two Dimensional Turing Machines
di 19 november 2019
Well-Founded Unions
di 16 april 2019
From Reo circuit to fast and safe Rust source
di 12 maart 2019
Reproducible Simulations, Trace Visualization and Model Exploration with Dynamic Partial Order Reduction in Real-Time ABS
di 19 februari 2019
Formalizing the Semantics of Concurrent Revisions
di 25 september 2018
Yet Another Reo Semantics: Reasoning about Speculative Execution
do 28 juni 2018
Nerve Nets, Omega-regular Languages, and Reo
di 12 juni 2018
Verification of Distributed Epistemic Gossip Protocols
wo 23 mei 2018
A Scala Library for Actor-Based Cooperative Scheduling
wo 02 mei 2018
Compilation of Reo protocols
wo 04 april 2018
Gossip In NetKAT
wo 21 maart 2018
Partially Commutative Monoids and Computational Content of Classical Logic
wo 07 februari 2018
Deadlock Detection for Actor-based Coroutines
di 31 mei 2016
Scheduling of Parallel Applications
di 19 januari 2016
2APL: Expressiveness in Concurrency: The Case of Session-Typed Processes
di 08 december 2015
Investigating Cooperative Scheduling in Parallel and Distributed Systems
di 03 november 2015
Equations and coequations for deterministic automata
di 06 oktober 2015
Composing Constraint Automata, State-by-State
di 28 oktober 2014
eScience, Theory and Experience
di 26 augustus 2014
Virtual Prototyping for Cyber Physical Systems
wo 30 juli 2014
A new method for verification of transition systems is presented - part 2
wo 02 juli 2014
A new method for verification of transition systems is presented - part 1
di 20 mei 2014
Quantitative formalisms of regularity, a partial survey
di 29 april 2014
SE4MCP with Reo Part 2
di 15 april 2014
A decomposition theorem for finite monoid actions
di 25 maart 2014
Social Network Simulation Part I: Model Selection for Realistic Social Network Generation
di 25 februari 2014
Compositional metric reasoning with Probabilistic Process Calculi
di 11 februari 2014
Towards Practical Verification of Dynamically Typed Programs
di 14 januari 2014
A formalization of bisimulation-up-to techniques and their meta-theory
di 07 januari 2014
Automata learning: a categorical perspective
di 03 december 2013
Arden's rule and the Kleene-Schützenberger theorem
di 19 november 2013
Leaving Traces: A Sound and Complete Trace Logic for Concurrent Constraint Programs
di 12 november 2013
Combining Bialgebraic Semantics and Equations
di 12 november 2013
Moessner's Theorem: an Exercise in Coinductive Reasoning in Coq
di 12 november 2013
Syntactic Monoids and Their Dual
di 10 september 2013
Improving Performance of Simulation Software Using Haskell’s Concurrency and Parallelism
di 10 september 2013
A Cost-aware Scheduler for High-Throughput Computing in the Cloud
di 11 juni 2013
An Implicit Characterization of PSPACE
di 04 juni 2013
Coinductive Stream Calculus in Action with Haskell
di 28 mei 2013
Code Generation for Reo: Dealing with data constraints (work-in-progress)
di 14 mei 2013
Leveraging Cloud Computing in Real-World Situations
di 07 mei 2013
The Proto-Runtime Approach to Runtime Systems for Parallel Languages
di 02 april 2013
Modal mu-calculi for Probabilistic Labeled Transition Systems
di 26 maart 2013
A Matter of Priority
di 19 februari 2013
Weak Arithmetic Completeness of Object-Oriented First-Order Assertion Networks - part 2
di 22 januari 2013
Type Inference for Linear Algebra with Units of Measurement
di 15 januari 2013
Weak Arithmetic Completeness of Object-Oriented First-Order Assertion Networks - part 1
di 20 november 2012
A process-theoretic approach to supervisory coordination
di 30 oktober 2012
On the specification of operations on the rational behaviour of systems
di 16 oktober 2012
Towards Dynamic Adaptation of the Differential Majority-Rule Solution of the Double Bridge Problem
di 02 oktober 2012
A Constraint-based Method to Compute Semantics of Channel-based Coordination Models
di 11 september 2012
Residuated Park theories
di 28 augustus 2012
Dynamic Delta Modeling
di 15 mei 2012
How far can Enterprise Modeling for Banking be supported by Graph Transformation?
di 08 mei 2012
Abstract Object Creation in First Order Dynamic Logic: State of the Art in Key
di 10 april 2012
Hierarchical and modular reasoning in complex theories and applications to verification
di 03 april 2012
Similarity-based Web Service Discovery through Soft Constraint Satisfaction Problems
di 20 maart 2012
Modularizing and Specifying Protocols among Threads
di 06 maart 2012
Programming and Deployment of Active Objects with Application-Level Scheduling
di 21 februari 2012
Abstract Compilation for Precise Type Analysis of Object-Oriented Languages
di 31 januari 2012
Reactive Turing Machines
di 17 januari 2012
Delta Modeling Workflow
di 13 december 2011
Coalgebraic Modal Logic, an Introduction
di 29 november 2011
Examples of the Interplay between Algebra and Coalgebra
do 24 november 2011
Determinization constructions: from automata to coalgebras
ma 07 november 2011
Circular Behavioral Reasoning
ma 07 november 2011
Optimal Coin Flipping
ma 24 oktober 2011
Measuring Progress of Probabilistic Model-Checkers
di 11 oktober 2011
The Coinductive Stream Calculus
di 27 september 2011
Automatic Verification of Real-Time Systems with Rich Data
di 20 september 2011
The Coalgebraic Approach
di 14 juni 2011
Bounded Model-Checking of Unbounded Object Creation
di 31 mei 2011
Simulation, testing and implementation of Reo
di 17 mei 2011
Reo: Applications in Formalizing Standard Models
di 26 april 2011
Reo: Extended Semantics and Tools
di 19 april 2011
Reo: Basics and Semantics
di 05 april 2011
On the axiomatization of (weighted) language equivalence
di 15 maart 2011
An Introduction to K Framework by Examples
di 01 maart 2011
An Introduction to Coalgebra and Coinduction, using Regular and Context-free Languages
di 22 februari 2011
Specifying Interfaces in Java in terms of Communication Histories using Attribute Grammars - part 2
di 15 februari 2011
Multicore Programming in Object-Oriented Languages
ma 31 januari 2011
A Calculational Proof of Moessner’s Theorem
di 07 december 2010
Model checking GOAL agents
di 23 november 2010
JOLIE: a service oriented language
di 26 oktober 2010
Decidability properties for fragments of CHR
di 19 oktober 2010
Coalgebraic Representation Theory of Fractals
di 05 oktober 2010
Formalising Domain-Specific Modelling Languages
wo 15 september 2010
Algebraic and Coalgebraic Reasoning in Agent-Based Models -- A Case Study From Ecology
di 06 juli 2010
Message sequence monitoring without code instrumentation
di 15 juni 2010
(Abstraction and Refinement of) Timed Constraint Automata in the ECT
di 25 mei 2010
Model checking a language with unbounded object creation
di 18 mei 2010
Model Transformation & Analysis in Rascal
di 11 mei 2010
Strategic Executions of Choreographed Timed Normative Multi-Agent Systems
di 13 april 2010
Specifying Interfaces in Java in terms of Communication Histories using Attribute Grammars - part 1
di 16 maart 2010
Creol goes Linda
di 02 maart 2010
Delta Modeling
di 16 februari 2010
Stochastic Activity Networks
di 02 februari 2010
Compositional and Computable Semantics for Modelling Hybrid Systems
di 19 januari 2010
Verification of Software Product Lines
di 15 december 2009
Specifying Behavior of Reo in mCRL2
di 01 december 2009
Logic of Information Flow on Communication Channels
di 17 november 2009
Abstract Object Creation in Dynamic Logic To Be or Not To Be Created
di 12 mei 2009
Mist: The Programming Language
di 24 maart 2009
Fault-based Test Case Generation for Component Connectors
di 10 februari 2009
Tool demonstration
di 20 januari 2009
Models of computation: automata and processes
di 23 september 2008
A Kleene theorem for polynomial coalgebras
di 29 juli 2008
A Coalgebraic Semantic Framework for Reasoning about UML Sequence Diagrams
di 15 juli 2008
QoS-aware Routing in Infrastructure-less B3G Networks
di 08 juli 2008
Deconstructing Reo
di 17 juni 2008
Using Reo for Compliance-driven Design of Service-Oriented Applications
di 10 juni 2008
Synchronized Reconfiguration of Hierarchical Reo Connectors
di 03 juni 2008
Building mashups with Reo
di 20 mei 2008
Two Modal Logics for Coalgebras
di 06 mei 2008
Decomposition of Port Automata
di 22 april 2008
Automated deadlock detection in synchronized multithreaded call-graphs
di 08 april 2008
Schedulability analysis of real time actors
di 18 maart 2008
Synthesis of Reo Circuits from Scenario-based Specifications
di 04 maart 2008
Coupled transformation of data models, instances, queries, and constraints (part II)
di 19 februari 2008
Coupled transformation of data models, instances, queries, and constraints
di 29 januari 2008
Testing dynamic systems from modal specifications
di 15 januari 2008
Model-Checking Agent Refinement
di 11 december 2007
Reo Meets Real World: Coordination at your Service.
di 04 december 2007
Flat modal fixpoint logics
di 27 november 2007
Coalgebras and their types
di 13 november 2007
Towards Distributed Reo
di 16 oktober 2007
Synthesis of Connectors from Scenario-based Interaction Specifications
di 26 juni 2007
An information-theoretic framework for anonymity and the problem of non-determinism.
di 19 juni 2007
Discrete dualities for contexts and concepts from formal concept analysis
di 05 juni 2007
Subsequential Transducers and Coalgebra
di 08 mei 2007
Bisimulations for neighbourhood structures (Part 2)
di 24 april 2007
Bisimulations for neighbourhood structures
di 10 april 2007
Booking Holidays with Linear Logic
di 20 maart 2007
Formal languages and computable semantics for continuous mathematics
di 27 februari 2007
Web Services Choreography and Orchestration in Reo and Constraint Automata
di 20 februari 2007
2APL: A Practical Agent Programming Language
di 06 februari 2007
Verification of Rebeca models using symmetry and partial order reduction techniques
di 23 januari 2007
Keeping Secrets in Resource Aware Components
do 11 januari 2007
Behaviour-aware aggregation and adaptation of Web services
di 21 november 2006
Component connectors with QoS Guarantees
di 24 oktober 2006
Behavioural differential equations and coinduction for binary trees
di 17 oktober 2006
Reo Connector Animation
di 03 oktober 2006
Connector Colouring Revisited: Preliminary Results
di 26 september 2006
Modelling and Refinement of Component-based Software Systems: A Coalgebraic Perspective
di 05 september 2006
Analysing the MUTE Anonymous File-Sharing System Using the Pi-calculus
do 24 augustus 2006
Distributed Coordination via a Russion Dolls Model of Distributed Object Reflection
do 24 augustus 2006
Q Automata: Modelling the Resource Usage of Concurrent Components
di 15 augustus 2006
Using Reo and Constraint Automata in Hardware-Software Co-design
di 04 juli 2006
A logic for strong late bisimilarity (Part II)
di 06 juni 2006
MoCha: it ain't Java!
di 30 mei 2006
A logic for strong late bisimilarity
di 09 mei 2006
Creol: A Formal Executable Model of Upgradeable Distributed Objects
di 18 april 2006
Type-based access control: for distributed systems, for components and under attack
di 14 maart 2006
SAT-based Verification for Abstraction Refinement
di 14 februari 2006
Tool-Supported Construction of Graphical Scientific Tools: Reo Web Services Composition Editor and Simulator
di 07 februari 2006
Trace Semantics for Coalgebras: a Generic Theory (Part 2)
di 31 januari 2006
A tutorial on sequential functions: I - Minimization of sequential transducers; II - Composition, the wreath product principle and its applications
di 24 januari 2006
Trace Semantics for Coalgebras: a Generic Theory
di 13 december 2005
Inferring type isomorphisms generically
di 06 december 2005
Revisiting the Coinductive Calculus of Reo Connectors
di 15 november 2005
From input-output logic to normative multiagent systems
di 08 november 2005
Constructing Mealy Machines Using Derivatives
di 11 oktober 2005
Ontological Perspectives in Modelling the Electrical Power Grid
di 21 juni 2005
Controlling Object Allocation Using Creation Guards
di 14 juni 2005
Reactive Objects as Components in Reo Circuits
di 07 juni 2005
Interaction: Conjectures, Results, Myths
di 24 mei 2005
Connector Colouring Semantic Model for Reo Connectors
di 10 mei 2005
Behavioral Logics and Abstraction
di 19 april 2005
di 12 april 2005
Coordination and Composition in Multi-Agent Systems
di 05 april 2005
Power tools can make a difference
di 22 maart 2005
Specification and Refinement of Reo Connectors I: Framework
di 15 maart 2005
Innovation in the Practice of Computer Science Education to follow Bologna
di 15 maart 2005
Pointwise-Pointfree Transformations
di 08 maart 2005
MoCha-pi, an Exogenous Coordination Calculus (SAC try-out)
di 15 februari 2005
Closure Properties of Coalgebra Automata
di 01 februari 2005
Reo Engine - Implementable Semantics for Reo
di 18 januari 2005
OMEGA case study: Mission-critical air-borne system, UML modelling, and formal verification experiments
di 07 december 2004
Web Service - Current technological and market situation
di 23 november 2004
Applications of XML transformations
di 09 november 2004
Reasoning about Reo's Reconfiguration Mechanisms
di 05 oktober 2004
MoCha-pi, an Exogenous Coordination Calculus based on Mobile Channels
di 21 september 2004
Functional modelling of biochemical networks
di 06 juli 2004
Composed Software
di 29 juni 2004
Generic Ownership
di 22 juni 2004
BioReo: Coordination for Biological Modelling
di 15 juni 2004
Back To The Future: A Family of Algorithms for Termination Detection in Distributed Systems (Part II)
di 08 juni 2004
A Translation from Reo to Petri Nets and Vice-Versa
di 25 mei 2004
Visualization and operational semantics of Reo circuits
di 18 mei 2004
Landscape Maps for Enterprise Architectures
di 18 mei 2004
A Logical Viewpoint on Architectures
di 11 mei 2004
Weak bisimulation for action-type coalgebras
di 04 mei 2004
Automata, Bitstream functions, and Circuits
di 27 april 2004
Compositionality in Logics for Coalgebras
di 13 april 2004
What semantics fits with my aspects?
di 06 april 2004
Back To The Future: A Family of Algorithms for Termination Detection in Distributed Systems (Part 1)
di 23 maart 2004
di 16 maart 2004
Automata and Fixed Point Logics for Coalgebras (part 2)
di 09 maart 2004
In the Name of the Role (sequel)
di 24 februari 2004
Automata and Fixed Point Logics for Coalgebras
di 10 februari 2004
In the Name of the Role
di 27 januari 2004
A coalgebraic perspective on monotone modal logic
di 20 januari 2004
The Differential Calculus of Bitstreams
di 13 januari 2004
Reo: Operational Semantics, Animation and Model Checking
di 02 december 2003
MOnitoring Distributed Object and Component Communication
di 25 november 2003
Reo: Semantics and Tools for Design and Analysis. State-of-the-Art and Future Work
di 18 november 2003
Stone Coalgebras and Completeness for Coalgebraic Modal Logic
di 11 november 2003
Normative Multiagent Systems
di 28 oktober 2003
A Comparative Study of Arithmetic Constraints on Integer Intervals
di 07 oktober 2003
Integrating Formal Methods with XML
di 23 september 2003
Verification of Security Protocols with Rebeca
di 16 september 2003
MoCha, a coordination middleware based on mobile channels
di 09 september 2003
Composing Style-Based Software Architectures from Architectural Primitives
di 01 juli 2003
Unifying the field of modal logics
di 24 juni 2003
A simulator for Reo
di 03 juni 2003
The OMEGA Component Model - part 1
di 27 mei 2003
Modelling component connectors in Reo by constraint automata
di 20 mei 2003
Coordination and Components in Cooperative Constraint Solving
di 06 mei 2003
Streams and stream circuits (a coinductive calculus of signal flow graphs)
di 22 april 2003
The Phi-calculus - a new language for distributed control of continuous reconfigurable systems
di 01 april 2003
Using ASF+SDF for the Verification of Annotated Java Programs
do 27 maart 2003
Branching Time Relations for Markov Chains
di 18 maart 2003
Rebeca: An Actor-Based Model for Formal Modelling and Verification of Reactive Systems
di 04 maart 2003
A hierarchy of probabilistic system types
di 18 februari 2003
A graphical user interface for REO
di 21 januari 2003
Input-output logic
di 10 december 2002
Full Abstraction in Structural Operational Semantics
di 03 december 2002
A coalgebraic semantics for positive modal logic
wo 27 november 2002
A Hoare Logic for Knowledge Programs
di 26 november 2002
FOLD: first order logic of domains
di 12 november 2002
Introduction to Presheaves, Open Maps, and Weak Factorisation Systems
di 22 oktober 2002
Abstract Behavior Types: A Foundation Model for Components and Their Composition
di 15 oktober 2002
Combining the Activator, Manifold, and... A Road to the future?
di 08 oktober 2002
(Co-)Algebraic semantics of Modal Logic
di 01 oktober 2002
Verification of Sequential Java Programs: A Computer-Aided Approach
di 17 september 2002
Coordination-Based Cooperation of Constraint Solvers in DICE
di 10 september 2002
Probabilistic GSOS
di 27 augustus 2002
Fully abstract semantics for OO
di 30 juli 2002
A Framework for Visualizing and Simulating Reo
di 18 juni 2002
The OMEGA Component Model - part 2
di 04 juni 2002
O2C: A Semantic Thread From Objects to Components
di 21 mei 2002
A short survey of enterprise architectures and modeling tools
di 14 mei 2002
Finitary Coalgebraic Modal Logic (Canonical Models and Compactness)
di 07 mei 2002
The type of a component
di 16 april 2002
Objects, components, and types (how to unify different research lines)
di 09 april 2002
A Scriptable Planner Using Python as a Problem Definition Language
di 02 april 2002
A gentle overview of categories and enriched categories
di 26 maart 2002
The TRIAL-SOLUTION project: keyphrase recognition in mathematical textbooks
di 26 februari 2002
GSOS for probabilistic transition systems
wo 13 februari 2002
C-six: constructing a coinductive and compositional calculus of component connectors
di 29 januari 2002
A coordination-based framework for parallel constraint solving
di 15 januari 2002
A complete deductive calculus for (implications of) coequations
di 18 december 2001
Verification of security protocols using Casper and FDR
di 11 december 2001
Coalgebraic Modalities and Logics for Process Transformations
di 04 december 2001
Towards a Formal Specification of Reo
di 27 november 2001
Automatic generation of proof-outline for Java
di 20 november 2001
Modal Properties as Natural Transformations
di 06 november 2001
A proof theory for the multi-threaded flow of control in Java
do 25 oktober 2001
Coinductive counting with weighted automata and continued fractions - part 2
do 25 oktober 2001
On Coequations
do 25 oktober 2001
Horn coequations
do 25 oktober 2001
GSOS for probabilistic systems
do 25 oktober 2001
From Coalgebras to (labeled) transition systems.
di 09 oktober 2001
Modeling infinite probabilistic choices using an ultrametric version of kernels
di 25 september 2001
Beyond Mu-Calculus: strong logics for strong bisimulation
di 11 september 2001
Coinductive counting with weighted automata and continued fractions - part 1
di 04 september 2001
Coordination of Mobile Components
di 10 juli 2001
Recent trends in object oriented verification
di 12 juni 2001
Axiomatizing GSOS with termination
di 08 mei 2001
Rho: A Channel-based Coordination Paradigm for Mobile Components
di 24 april 2001
Shared Data Space Systems: Verification and Expressiveness Results
di 10 april 2001
Coordination and component based software architecture
di 27 maart 2001
Reasoning about probability and nondeterminism
di 27 februari 2001
Elements of stream calculus
di 13 februari 2001
Implementation of Mobile Channels
di 30 januari 2001
Generalised Coinduction
di 16 januari 2001
Modelling decentralized Control Problems using the Logic of Epistemic Actions
di 19 december 2000
Infinite intersection and union types for the lazy lambda calculus
di 14 november 2000
Semantical Principles in the Modal Logic of Coalgebras
di 31 oktober 2000
Back To The Future: A Family of Algorithms for Termination Detection in Distributed Systems
di 17 oktober 2000
Towards Quantitative Verification of Systems: a Metric Approach
di 03 oktober 2000
Modeling Games using Probabilistic-Epistemic Processes and Modal Logic
di 19 september 2000
On the Duality of Modal and Equational Logic
di 12 september 2000
On the Duality of Observability and Reachability
di 13 juni 2000
A logical interface description language for components
di 16 mei 2000
Back To The Future: A Family of DTD Algorithms
di 09 mei 2000
Stream calculus
di 28 maart 2000
Modeling continuous probabilistic choice using stochastic kernels
di 07 maart 2000
A Generalized Schema for Coinductive Definitions
di 08 februari 2000
Combinators for hyperedge replacement graph rewriting

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