Model checking GOAL agents

As the theoretical foundations of agent-oriented programming became better understood by the end of the 1990s, researchers became interested in model checking agent programs. Model checking, introduced by the late 1970s, is a technique for establishing automatically whether a system satisfies a given specification. Although progress has been made over the last ten years, the model checking problem for agent programs is still far from solved: performance, maybe even more than in traditional model checking, is a major issue. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of the history of agent program model checking, and discuss an approach to making model checkers for agent programs faster. The approach's core idea is to reuse existing agent technology when implementing model checkers for agent programs, instead of reusing existing model checking tools as done in past efforts. The approach is illustrated with the GOAL agent language, and a performance comparison, involving three model checkers for GOAL agents, will be presented. The work I report on has been carried out during my MSc graduation project (Nov. 2009 - Aug. 2010).  

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