1. Branching Time Relations for Markov Chains

    Markov Chains are an important class of stochastic processes that are widely used in practice to determine system performance and dependability characteristics. This talk will consider discrete-time and continuous-time Markov chains and explain notions of strong and weak simulation and bisimulation relations for them. Moreover, the talk will discuss the …

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  2. Rebeca: An Actor-Based Model for Formal Modelling and Verification of Reactive Systems

    Object-oriented modelling is known to be an appropriate approach for representing concurrent and distributed systems. Besides having an appropriate and efficient way for modelling these systems, one needs a formal verification approach for ensuring their correctness. Therefore, we have developed an actor-based model for describing such systems.

    We use temporal …

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  3. A hierarchy of probabilistic system types

    Joint work with Erik de Vink (TU/e).

    Many approaches in standard concurrency theory are commonly based on labelled transition systems or some minor variant thereof. When probabilities are introduced however, many different system types emerge: some authors for instance consider fully probabilistic systems, while others use systems which incorporate …

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  4. Input-output logic

    Joint work with David Makinson, King's College London.

    Input-output logic (IOL) is a theory of input/output operations resembling inference, but where input propositions are not in general included among outputs, and the operation is not in any way reversible. Examples arise in contexts of conditional obligations, goals, ideals, preferences …

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  5. Full Abstraction in Structural Operational Semantics

    This talk explores the connection between semantic equivalences for concrete sequential processes, represented by means of transition systems, and formats of transition system specifications using Plotkin's structural approach. For several equivalences in the linear time - branching time spectrum a format is given, as general as possible, such that this equivalence …

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  6. A coalgebraic semantics for positive modal logic

    Positive Modal Logic (PML) is the logic of Kripke structures in a language containing conjunction, disjunction and modal operators, but no negation or implication. The class of algebras canonically associated with PML forms a category which is dually equivalent to certain topological spaces (Priestley spaces) endowed with relations, which are …

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  7. FOLD: first order logic of domains

    We introduce an interpretation of domains in terms of a logic including bounded existential and universal quantifiers. The logic is compositional with respect to domain constructors like function space and Plotkin powerdomain, and sound with respect to the ordinary interpreation of domains as some kind of complete partial orders. A …

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