1. MoCha, a coordination middleware based on mobile channels

    MoCha is a framework for distributed communication and collaboration using mobile channels as its medium. Channels allow directed, anonymous, and peer-to-peer communication among entities, while mobility ensures that the structure of their connections can change over time in arbitrary ways. MoCha provides communication mechanisms without requiring central servers or fixed …

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  2. Composing Style-Based Software Architectures from Architectural Primitives

    Nikunj Mehta is a Ph.D. Candidate at University of Southern California, Los Angeles. He works on the intersection of software engineering and distributed systems, with an aim to develop systematic techniques that can join the mainstream of software development. His dissertation research focuses on constructively composing elements of style-based …

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  3. Unifying the field of modal logics

    Nowadays there is an enormous and at times bewildering variety of modal and other non-classical logics. Nevertheless, it still makes sense to speak of `modal logic' as such since there is a well-developed mathematical theory which emphasizes the unity of the field. This theory is supported by a number of …

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  4. The OMEGA Component Model - part 1

    We introduce a formal model of components as developed in the IST project OMEGA sponsored by the European Commission. The aim of this project is the definition of a development methodology in UML for embedded and real-time systems based on formal techniques.

    The rationale of our component model is to …

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  5. Modelling component connectors in Reo by constraint automata

    In an earlier report:

    F. Arbab, J.J.M.M. Rutten A coinductive calculus of component connectors Technical Report SEN-R0216, CWI, Amsterdam, 2002, pp. 1--17. To appear in the proceedings of WADT 2002. (Available at http://www.cwi.nl/~janr)

    a coinductive model for the component connector calculus Reo was …

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  6. Coordination and Components in Cooperative Constraint Solving

    Coordination programming deals with building complex software systems from largely autonomous component systems. Cooperative constraint solving, which is widely recognized as a technique for improving the efficiency of constraint solving, is an area that may benefit from techniques developed in Coordination Programming: the solvers that we want to have cooperate …

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  7. The Phi-calculus - a new language for distributed control of continuous reconfigurable systems

    Joint work with Hosung Song.

    In this talk we present a new language which allows concurrent programs to interact with continuous environments. It is an extension of the powerful pi-calculus of Milner, which already provides for concurrency and reconfigurability. Our contribution adds the notion of active environments which can specify …

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