Other presentations

  1. Coalgebraic Modalities and Logics for Process Transformations

    Starting originally from my previous work on formalizing "epistemic actions" (joint work with L. Moss and S. Solecki), I have been recently working on logics for process transformations. A process transformation is a partial map from processes to processes, with the property that it's bisimulation-preserving: bisimilar processes are mapped to …

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  2. Beyond Mu-Calculus: strong logics for strong bisimulation

    In dealing with transition systems, it is natural to look for logics having the following desirable properties: (1) invariance under (strong) bisimulation (i.e. truth of formulas is preserved by strong bisimulation); (2) decidability.

    Standard modal logic and some of its important extensions (logic with star-diamonds for the transitive closure …

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  3. Modelling decentralized Control Problems using the Logic of Epistemic Actions

    I am reintroducing a modal logic of epistemic actions (some versions of which were already presented at previous ACG meetings) and exploring its applications to discrete-event control problems with decentralized supervisors, who can only partially observe events but who may be able to communicate with each other.

    The idea to …

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  4. Modeling Games using Probabilistic-Epistemic Processes and Modal Logic

    I introduce a notion of (discrete) probabilistic epistemic process and an associated dynamic-epistemic modal logic. I use them to redefine and analize some notions of game theory: extensive games with imperfect information, perfect recall, mixed strategies, beliefs about strategies, epistemic types, Bayesian belief-revision, rationality and rationalizability, solution concepts.  

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