1. Abstract Behavior Types: A Foundation Model for Components and Their Composition

    The notion of Abstract Data Type (ADT) has served as a foundation model for structured and object-oriented programming for some thirty years. An ADT defines an algebra of operations with well-defined semantics, without specifying any detail about the implementation of those operations or the data structures they operate on to …

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  2. (Co-)Algebraic semantics of Modal Logic

    The main part of the talk will be an overview over some basic notions of modal logic. This will include Kripke semantics, algebraic semantics and a comparison of the two. The notion of a (descriptive) general frame is used to combine these two approaches. We then will show how one …

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  3. Coordination-Based Cooperation of Constraint Solvers in DICE

    DICE (DIstributed Constraint Environment) is a software framework, implemented using the Manifold coordination language, for constructing distributed constraint solvers from software components in a number of predefined categories. One of these component categories contains incomplete constraint solvers, that can act as a domain reduction operator inside a constraint propagation algorithm …

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  4. Probabilistic GSOS

    In this talk we present the content of a forthcoming CWI technical report, which introduces and discusses an operator specification format for labelled probabilistic transition systems. Because of its similarity to the known GSOS rules for nondeterministic systems, the format is called probabilistic GSOS. Early this year, we have already …

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  5. A Framework for Visualizing and Simulating Reo

    In this talk we present a tool designed to simulate Reo, a channel-based coordination calculus for component composition. We begin with a short recapitulation of Reo, and discuss the fundamental issues that define it. Then we explain the structure of the tool; particularly the separation between the GUI- and the …

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  6. The OMEGA Component Model - part 2

    CWI defined a formal model of components in terms of the basic object-oriented concepts of the OMEGA kernel language. More specifically, the CWI developed a representation in the OMEGA kernel model of both the internal and the external view of a component. With the external or blackbox view of a …

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  7. O2C: A Semantic Thread From Objects to Components

    In this tutorial we present the basic concepts that underlie object oriented and component based software engineering and their semantic justifications. We start with the basic concepts such as abstract data types and inheritance, as used in the object oriented paradigm to enhance reuse, modularity, and maintenance of software. We …

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