1. Reo Connector Animation

    In this talk we present Connector Animation---a framework which combines Connector Colouring semantics and the visual syntax of Reo connectors to define Animation Description. The Animation Description is a formal abstract representation for both the structure and the behaviour of Reo connectors suitable to be animated using standard animation tools …

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  2. Connector Colouring Revisited: Preliminary Results

    Connector colouring was devised as a way of determinining which "macro-step" of a connector to perform next, abstracting away from details such as "which state to go into". Connector colouring has served as a suitable basis for implementing connectors, but it still remains somewhat mysterious and problematic. This talk recasts …

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  3. Modelling and Refinement of Component-based Software Systems: A Coalgebraic Perspective

    Although increasingly popular, software component techniques still lack suitable formal foundations on top of which rigorous methodologies for the description and analysis of component-based systems could be built. This talk is about my thesis work and aims to contribute in this direction: building on the previous work "components as coalgebras …

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  4. Distributed Coordination via a Russion Dolls Model of Distributed Object Reflection

    A family of models of coordination of distributed object systems representing different views, with refinement relations between the different views will be described. We start with distributed objects interacting via asynchronous message passing. The semantics of such a system is a set of event partial orders (event diagrams) giving the …

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  5. MoCha: it ain't Java!

    MoCha is a model of distributed computing developed at CWI wherein components interact via mobile channels. I will introduce MoCha, give some examples, and discuss our new C++ implementation, along with some things we've learned in implementing and applying it.  

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  6. A logic for strong late bisimilarity

    We define logical counterparts for constructions including dynamic name allocation and name exponentiation and show that they are dual to standard constructs in functor categories. In particular, we show that the final coalgebra of a functor defined by Stark and Fiore, Moggi and Sangiorgi in terms of these constructs give …

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