1. SAT-based Verification for Abstraction Refinement

    In this talk, I will present the fundamental results of my master's thesis. The aim of the thesis has been to verify reachability properties of timed automata using SAT-based verification methods, while mainly eliminating the state explosion problem using abstraction refinement techniques. Especially for complex and safety critical systems, reachability …

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  2. Tool-Supported Construction of Graphical Scientific Tools: Reo Web Services Composition Editor and Simulator

    I will start this talk by briefly overviewing an emerging technology called Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF). GMF belongs to the family of Eclipse technologies, and researchers can use it to rapidly build complex graphical applciations, either embeded in the Eclipse environment or standalone as rich clients. I will then demonstrate …

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  3. A tutorial on sequential functions: I - Minimization of sequential transducers; II - Composition, the wreath product principle and its applications

    The first part of this tutorial will just require a basic knowledge on finite deterministic automata. The second part will be more advanced, but all necessary background will be recalled.

    Sequential functions are, in the sense, the simplest computable functions. There are especially interesting for hardware designers, since they are …

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  4. Trace Semantics for Coalgebras: a Generic Theory

    In this talk we claim that various forms of "trace semantics" defined for concurrent systems with: different input/output types, or with different types of "concurrency" such as non-determinism or probability, are instances of a single categorical construction, namely coinduction in a Kleisli category. Hence we demonstrate the abstraction power …

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  5. Inferring type isomorphisms generically

    Datatypes which differ inessentially in their names and structure are said to be isomorphic; for example, a ternary product is isomorphic to a nested pair of binary products. In some, canonical cases, the conversion function is uniquely determined solely by the two types involved. In this article we describe and …

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