1. Finitary Coalgebraic Modal Logic (Canonical Models and Compactness)

    Joint work with Dirk Pattinson, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich.

    In contrast to previous talks about the relationship between coalgebras and modal logic, the emphasis of this presentation is on finitary modal logics. That is, syntactically I focus on basic modal logic and semantically on finite approximations of infinite behaviours.

    I begin with …

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  2. A gentle overview of categories and enriched categories

    Category theory has been successful in mathematics and computer science. It is a very useful language to describe external properties of mathematical objects. It serves to compare mathematical theories when viewed as categories. Eventually category theory is also nice and has its own concepts: adjunctions, yoneda Lemma, Kan extensions..

    Enriched …

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  3. The TRIAL-SOLUTION project: keyphrase recognition in mathematical textbooks

    TRAIL-SOLUTION stands for: Tools for Reusable Integrated Adaptable Learning - Systems/standards for Open Learning Using Tested Interoperable Objects and Networking. This is an IST project, funded by the European Commission, in which a number of universities, research institutes, software houses and publishers cooperate.

    The central objective of the project is …

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  4. GSOS for probabilistic transition systems

    The talk will be about a recently finished paper of the same name (obtainable via my homepage at http://www.cwi.nl/~bartels).

    Transition systems are often specified by operational rules in GSOS format, the models of which are known to be well behaved in many respects. Turi and Plotkin …

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  5. A coordination-based framework for parallel constraint solving

    In this talk, I will present a framework for the configuration of parallel constraint solvers. The framework is implemented in the Manifold coordination language, and provides coordination services to software components in four categories: domain types for the variables of a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), (incomplete) constraint solvers that reduce …

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