1. MoCha-pi, an Exogenous Coordination Calculus based on Mobile Channels

    In this talk we present MoCha-pi, an exogenous coordination calculus that is based on mobile channels. A mobile channel is a coordination primitive that allows anonymous point-to-point communication between processes. Our calculus is an extension of the well-known pi-calculus. The novelty of MoCha-pi is that its channels are a special …

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  2. Functional modelling of biochemical networks

    NetBuilder and BioTapistry are interactive tools for building, visualizing, and simulating the behaviour of biochemical networks, specifically genetic regulatory networks (GRNs). GRNs perform the lowest level coarse regulation in processes such as cell differentiation and response to external signals. Both tools depict the networks using the functional model notation (data …

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  3. Composed Software

    For decades, software engineering has "dreamed an impossible dream": to build software from components as easily as children can build houses out of Lego bricks. In this talk, I will explore an imaginary world where that dream has been realised --- where software parts can be found in worldwide repositories, where …

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  4. Generic Ownership

    "Modern programming languages provide little support for object encapsulation and ownership. Escaped aliases to private objects can compromise both security and reliability of code in reference-abundant languages such as Java. Object ownership is a widely accepted approach to controlling aliasing in programming languages. Proposals for adding ownership to programming languages …

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  5. BioReo: Coordination for Biological Modelling

    We present BioReo, an application of the Reo coordination paradigm to provide a compositional formal model for describing and reasoning about the behaviour of biological systems, such as regulatory gene networks. Reo governs the interaction and flow of data between components by constructing connector circuits which have a precise formal …

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  6. Back To The Future: A Family of Algorithms for Termination Detection in Distributed Systems (Part II)

    A classical problem in distributed systems is detecting the termination of a distributed computation. Distributed Termination Detection (DTD) has been extensively studied in the past twenty years and it is known to be a difficult problem to solve efficiently, because it involves properties of the global state of a distributed …

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  7. Landscape Maps for Enterprise Architectures

    Landscape maps are a technique for visualizing enterprise architectures. They present architectural elements in the form of an easy to understand 2D 'map'. A landscape map view on architectures provides non-technical stakeholders, such as managers, with a high-level overview, without burdening them with technicalities of architectural drawings. In this paper …

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  8. A Logical Viewpoint on Architectures

    In this talk we introduce a logical viewpoint on architectures. The logical viewpoint is based on the distinction between symbolic and semantic models of architectures. The core of a symbolic model consists of its signature that specifies symbolically its structural elements and their relationships. A semantic model is defined as …

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