1. Delta Modeling Workflow

    In this session we present recent work in Delta Modeling. Delta Modeling is an approach towards modeling variability in software product lines. We will present the Delta Modeling Workflow (DMW), a formal step-by-step guide towards building a software product line from scratch. An approach that enjoys several beneficial properties. For …

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  2. Determinization constructions: from automata to coalgebras

    The powerset construction is a standard method for converting a nondeterministic automaton into an equivalent deterministic one as far as language is concerned. In this talk, we lift the powerset construction on automata to the more general framework of coalgebras with structured state spaces. Examples of applications include partial Mealy …

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  3. Circular Behavioral Reasoning

    Circular coinduction was introduced by G. Rosu and J. Goguen (IJCAR 2001, WADT 2002) as an algorithm for proving behavioral properties expressed as indistinguishability under experiments, where the experiments are described as particular contexts. Later, G. Rosu and D. Lucanu formalized the circular coinduction as a proof system (CALCO 2009 …

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  4. Optimal Coin Flipping

    In this talk I will show how to simulate a coin of arbitrary real bias q with a coin of arbitrary real bias p with negligible loss of entropy. I will develop a coalgebraic model and use it to derive an information-theoretic lower bound that is strictly larger than the …

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  5. The Coinductive Stream Calculus

    We will consider coalgebras of the type $F(X) = mathbb{R} imes X$, representing streams over real numbers. For such streams, we coinductively define a number of operators (including, but not limited to, addition and multiplication), and we furthermore consider coinductive proofs through bisimulation. We will discuss polynomial and rational …

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  6. Automatic Verification of Real-Time Systems with Rich Data

    We discuss how properties of reactive systems with continuous real-time constraints and complex, possibly infinite data can be automatically verified, exploiting recent advances in semantics, constraint-based model checking, and decision procedures for complex data.

    The systems are specified in CSP-OZ-DC, a language that integrates concepts from Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP …

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  7. The Coalgebraic Approach

    We shall discuss the main constituents of the coalgebraic approach to the modelling of dynamical systems and infinite data structures.

    (i) A system is modelled by a map s: S -> F(S), where S is the set of the states of the system; F(-) is the system's type (formally a …

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