Other presentations

  1. Subsequential Transducers and Coalgebra

    Subsequential transducers are deterministic finite state machines which compute partial word functions f: A^ --> B^. They have applications in coding theory and language processing, and they generalise both deterministic finite automata (DFAs) and Mealy machines. It is known that DFAs and Mealy machines can be viewed as coalgebras such that …

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  2. Bisimulations for neighbourhood structures

    Neighbourhood semantics forms a generalisation of Kripke semantics, and it has become the standard tool for reasoning about non-normal modal logics in which (Kripke valid) principles such as []p /\ []q (Meet) and []p -> (Mon) are considered not to hold. In computer science and social choice theory, non-normal modal logics are …

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  3. A coalgebraic perspective on monotone modal logic

    There is an obvious connection between coalgebra and modal logic: Coalgebras for an endofunctor T can be seen as abstract dynamic systems or transition systems, and modal logic seems to be the natural specification language to talk about these systems. Monotone modal logics generalise normal modal logics by weakening the …

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