
Sander Bohte
Introduction to Deep Learning

Joseph Borovsky
The Magnetosphere and Its Problems

Enrico Camporeale
A Bayesian Approach to Space Weather Predictions

Veronique Delouille
Supervised and non-supervised classification in solar physics using advanced techniques

Thierry Dudok de Wit
Blind source separation applications in space weather

Philippe Escoubet
Geomagnetic storms during the last decade: Cluster and Double Star observations

Peter Grünwald
Bayesian Inference: successes and problems

Caitriona Jackman
Automated event identification techniques for magnetic and plasma signatures of reconnection

Giovanni Lapenta
Coupling Fluid and Kinetic Scales for Space Weather Applications

Daniel Muller
Solar Orbiter: Exploring the Sun-Heliosphere Connection

Michelse Sebag
Causal Modeling with Generative Neural Networks

Juan Valdivia
Machine Learning for Complex Systems

Irina Zhelavskaya
Empirical modeling of the plasmasphere dynamics using neural networks