Other presentations

  1. SE4MCP with Reo Part 2

    A promising new application domain for coordination languages is programming protocols among threads in multi-core programs: coordination languages typically provide high-level constructs and abstractions that more easily compose into correct---with respect to a programmer's intentions---protocol specifications than do low-level synchronization constructs provided by conventional languages (e.g., locks, semaphores, etc …

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  2. Modularizing and Specifying Protocols among Threads

    We identify two problems with general-purpose programming languages: (i) they do not enforce separation of computations and protocols and (ii) they do not provide an appropriate level of abstraction to implement protocols. To mend these deficiencies, we argue for the use of domain-specific languages (DSL). A concrete instance then demonstrates …

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  3. Reo: Basics and Semantics

    Over the past decades, coordination languages have emerged for the specification and implementation of interaction protocols for communicating software entities. This class of languages includes Reo, a platform for compositional construction of connectors. This talk comprises an introduction to Reo. It starts with an example that motivates the use of …

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  4. Model checking GOAL agents

    As the theoretical foundations of agent-oriented programming became better understood by the end of the 1990s, researchers became interested in model checking agent programs. Model checking, introduced by the late 1970s, is a technique for establishing automatically whether a system satisfies a given specification. Although progress has been made over …

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