1. Model checking GOAL agents

    As the theoretical foundations of agent-oriented programming became better understood by the end of the 1990s, researchers became interested in model checking agent programs. Model checking, introduced by the late 1970s, is a technique for establishing automatically whether a system satisfies a given specification. Although progress has been made over …

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  2. JOLIE: a service oriented language

    Service oriented computing is an emerging paradigm for programming distributed applications based on services. Services are simple software elements that supply their functionalities by exhibiting their interfaces and that can be invoked by exploiting simple communication primitives. The emerging mechanism exploited in service oriented computing for composing services –in …

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  3. Decidability properties for fragments of CHR

    We study the decidability of termination for two CHR dialects which, similarly to the Datalog like languages, are defined by using a signature which does not allow function symbols (of arity gt;0$). Both languages allow the use of the $=$ built-in in the body of rules, thus are built on …

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  4. Formalising Domain-Specific Modelling Languages

    We propose an approach for formalising Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (DSML). Our approach is based on representing models and metamodels as specifications in the Maude algebraic specification language. This provides us with abstract definitions of essential concepts of DSML (model-to-metamodel conformance, operational semantics, and model transformations) that naturally capture their intutive …

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  5. Algebraic and Coalgebraic Reasoning in Agent-Based Models -- A Case Study From Ecology

    Agent-based models (ABMs) are a new and increasingly popular class of simulation software in natural and social sciences. They combine state-based and behaviour-based modelling paradigms for empirical phenomena in an unorthodox way that currently has no sound theoretical foundation. As we have demonstrated in previous work, the state/behaviour dichotomy …

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  6. Model checking a language with unbounded object creation

    We introduce a block-structured programming language which supports object creation, global variables, static scope and recursive procedures with local variables. Because of the combination of recursion, local variables and object creation, the behavior of the program is determined by infinitely many different states. However, we show that a program can …

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