The program is as follows.
Thursday, December 1
Location: Turing room, WCW congress center (next to CWI), Science Park 125, Amsterdam (directions) |
12:00 | Lunch (provided) |
13:20 | Opening Remarks |
Session: Factoring Large Numbers (Chair: Paul Zimmermann) |
13:30 | Paul Leyland - A History of Factoring in the Real World [ slides ] |
14:00 | Peter Montgomery - Early History of the Number Field Sieve [ slides ] |
14:30 | Joppe Bos - Recent Developments in ECM [ slides ] |
15:00 | Tea Break |
15:30 | Jason Papadopoulos - High-performance optimization of GNFS polynomials [ slides ] |
16:00 | Thorsten Kleinjung - Filtering and the matrix step in NFS [ slides ] |
16:30 | Alexander Kruppa - Comparison of the Block Wiedemann with the Block Lanczos algorithm for the linear algebra step in NFS [ slides ] |
17:00 | Closing |
Friday, December 2
Location: Turing room, WCW congress center (next to CWI), Science Park 125, Amsterdam (directions) |
10:50 | Welcome and opening |
Session: Computations on Zeta and Other Functions (Chair: Herman te Riele) |
11:00 | Joost Batenburg - Discrete tomography for lattice images: a journey through Mathematics [ slides ] |
11:30 | Rob Tijdeman - Smooth numbers [ slides ] |
12:00 | Pieter Moree - The Erdős-Moser conjecture [ slides ] |
12:30 | Lunch (provided) |
14:00 | Pieter Moree - Euler-Kronecker constants: from Ramanujan to Ihara [ slides ] |
14:30 | Andrew Odlyzko - Computation and the Riemann Hypothesis [ slides ] |
Social Session |
15:00 |
Farewell Speeches (by Herman himself and others) |
16:00 |
Reception (ground floor of the new CWI building) |