Modelling decentralized Control Problems using the Logic of Epistemic Actions

I am reintroducing a modal logic of epistemic actions (some versions of which were already presented at previous ACG meetings) and exploring its applications to discrete-event control problems with decentralized supervisors, who can only partially observe events but who may be able to communicate with each other.

The idea to use modal epistemic logic for modeling these issues comes from a paper by Rickie and Rudie (presented at a previous ACG). I improve on their work by using the setting provided by epistemic actions to reprove their results, and propose various extensions of their problem:

supervisors who can have partial observations on events (instead of just all-or-nothing observations),

supervisors who use a synchronized clock sending timed messages to each other,

communication in which only some specific types of messages are allowed,

and finally the case in which the illegal events can only by disabled by joint action of the supervisors (while any non-joint action is in fact illegal).  

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