About the workshop
CoSim-CPS workshop focuses on the integrated application of formal methods and co-simulation technologies in the development of software for Cyber-Physical Systems. Co-simulation is an advanced simulation technique that allows developers to generate a global simulation of a complex system by orchestrating and composing the concurrent simulation of individual components or aspects of the system. Formal methods link software specifications and program code to logic theories, providing developers with means to analyze program behaviors in a way that is demonstrably exhaustive.
The two technologies complement each other. Developers can create prototypes suitable to validate hypotheses embedded in formal models and formal properties to be analyzed of the software. Using formal methods, developers can extend test results obtained with co-simulation runs, and ensure that the same results apply to all program states for all possible program inputs.
The workshop will give researchers and industrial practitioners a stage to demonstrate new methods and tools, present experience reports, discuss open challenges, and explore ideas for future development of frameworks integrating formal methods and co-simulation. Contributions are welcome on all aspects of system development, including specification, design, analysis, implementation and documentation of software for Cyber-Physical Systems.