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GRADES2016: Graph Data-management Experiences & Systems
Please go to the registration site for GRADES to register for the workshop.

The early registration price is roughly $60 (it is rough as the base amount is computed in EUR and includes local taxes). After June 1 (postponed from May 15) the standard price of slightly over $80 applies. This price includes lunch, coffee (in the breaks) and an informal workshop dinner on the evening of Friday June 24, in the vicinity of the conference center.

For students on a budget, there is a limited amount of free tickets available that do not include dinner. If you are convinced you qualify for this, please contact the workshop chairs by email. Please apply only if you are a PhD student with clear lack of travel funds.

Information on the workshop venue i.e. the Oracle Conference Center, is provided below on the LDBC TUC Meeting page. This includes driving directions and public transortation but also recommended hotel information.

LDBC Technical User Community Meeting

The Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) is the industry council for establishing benchmarks, benchmarking practices and results for graph data management systems. LDBC wants to help IT practitioners and academic researchers in objectively comparing competing graph data management technologies, as well as help maturing this field.

In the two days preceding GRADES, Wednesday June 22 and Thursday June 23, LDBC will organize a 2-day Technical User Community (TUC) meeting for academics, industry and practitioners in the area of graph data management. This meeting will be held at exactly the same venue, i.e. the Oracle Conference Center. For this reason, we refer GRADES visitors to the LDBC TUC logistics and accomodation information.

This is the eighth meeting of its kind. These meetings are used to discuss (flaws of) LDBC Benchmarks, but also to describe real-life graph data management use cases, as well as potential future benchmark proposals and, sometimes, systems. The wiki pages of LDBC (see above link) as well as its YouTube channel keep track of these meetings. The previous meeting was held at IBM's TJ Watson research venue in November 2015.

Participants to GRADES2016 are invited to visit the TUC meeting free of charge. You must register for LDBC TUC meetings by sending an email to Damaris Coll. Please see the TUC page for more information.

GRADES 2016 key data:
Workshop:      Friday June 24
Submission:    May 4 (extended)
Notification:   May 15 (shifted)
Camera-ready June 24

Place: Oracle Conference Center in Redwood Shores (CA).