Experiences including use-case descriptions, war stories and benchmarks as well as system descriptions are important ingredients of the meeting.
The workshop is co-chaired by Thomas Neumann (TUM) and Peter Boncz (CWI).
Workshop proceedings will appear in the ACM Digital Library and be listed in DBLP.
The GRADES workshop is co-sponsored by the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC), a new EU FP7 project that aims to establish industry cooperation on graph database benchmarks, benchmark practices and benchmark results.
The GRADES workshop is co-sponsored by ACM SIGMOD, the ACM special interest group on data management and organizer of the premier database research conference (SIGMOD).
GRADES is co-sponsored by the 2nd GraphLab Workshop, an exciting event with 300+ researchers from 100+ companies dedicated to large scale machine learning, to be held Monday July 1, in San Francisco.