Accepted Papers
3: Jan Komenda . Coinduction in concurrent timed systems
4: Jiri Adamek, Stefan Milius and Jiri Velebil . Recursive Program Schemes and Context-Free Monads
6: Bartek Klin . Structural operational semantics and modal logic, revisited
7: Hauhs Michael and Baltasar Trancón y Widemann . Applications of Algebra and Coalgebra in Scientific Modelling: Illustrated with the Logistic Map
9: Kazuyuki Asada and Ichiro Hasuo . Categorifying Computations into Components via Arrows as Profunctors
11: Corina Cirstea . Generic Infinite Traces and Path-Based Coalgebraic Temporal Logics
12: Vincenzo Ciancia, Alexander Kurz and Ugo Montanari . Families of symmetries for the semantics of programming languages
13: Jiho Kim . Higher-order algebras and coalgebras from parameterized endofunctors
14: Bart Jacobs . From Coalgebraic to Monoidal Traces
16: Adriana Balan and Alexander Kurz . On coalgebras over algebras