In this directory you find an outdated version of the Internet Movie DataBase (IMDB - dataset, as a PostgreSQL dump. IMDB distributes the latest version of this dataset publicly on its own website, this version here stems from 2013. This dataset is used in a computer science research paper "How Good are Optimizers, Really" by Viktor Leis et al. Read it at: This scientific paper introduces a standard test "benchmark" for a database component called the "query optimizer". This benchmark is called JOB (Join Order Benchmark). In order for other scientists and database engineers to reproduce the experiments in this paper, and to test the efficiency of their query optimizer with the JOB benchmark, access to the standard dataset it was based on, is needed for comparison. This is the rationale for this release. The release of this this dataset is intended *only* for running query optimizer experiments for purpose of database systems engineering or scientific research. Use of this dataset for any other purpose may well be in violation of the terms in which it was provided by IMDB (now owned by Amazon). If there is any problem with this file being online, please contact me: boncz "at" Specifically, we have tried to contact IMDB and asked for permission to put this online, but did not receive a response yet. Peter Boncz, May 27 2016 (5th paragraph amended June 4, 2019)