Paper 15 Title: "Durable Top-k Search in Document Archives" Authors: Leong Hou U, Nikos Mamoulis, Klaus Berberich, Srikanta Bedathur Primary Reviewer: Frank Huber Review report 1. Repeatability Using the provided source code, dataset and experimental setup I could verify the results in figures 12(a-d), 13(a-d), 14(a,b) and 15(a,b). Tables 2 and 4 could not be verified as the dataset used for the results on table 2 was not available because of its size (too large).Table 4 needs a specialized experimental setup and was excluded by the authors. 2. Workability I can confirm the workability. Using the descriptions given by the authors I run different experiments using various numbers of keywords (|w|), result size (k), as well as query length and query begin time. All results showed the excepted behavior.