Repeatability and Workability Evaluation of paper 8: Histograms Reloaded: The Merits of Bucket Diversity Repeatability Evaluation It was possible to perform all the experiments in the provided code package. It includes: 1) experiments building homogeneous histograms for 6 data sets, described in sec. 4.4 and Table 2 2) experiments constructing heterogeneous diagrams described in sec. 5.3 and presented in Table 3. The paper contains a number of other experiments which are not included in the provided package. Among those are the evaluation of the errors produced by the commercial histograms (Table 1), the evaluation of the algorithm constructing optimal heterogeneous histograms (Table 4) and statistics about the bucket type distribution (Table 5). The experiments 1) and 2) generally confirmed the results presented in the paper. We observe small differences in the sizes of some homogeneous histograms in 1). The results in experiment 2) differ only in the cpu times for histogram construction. This was expected since we used a test machine less powerful than the experimental environment described in the paper. The cpu times follow the same tendencies with respect to different data sets and q-error values. Workability Evaluation The package preparation allowed very easy addition of new data sets. One of the statistics generated by the package, but not presented in the paper, shows that 5 of the 6 data sets have relatively small number of distinct values ( < 2500) and only one has 72512 values. We prepared an additional data set based on TPCH SF1 with the intention to check the scalability of the approach. The attribute is the customer key in the orders table, having ~100000 distinct values over 1,5 M rows. We observed long execution times of the entire experimental set, 6h for the homogeneous histogram, >9h for each of the heterogeneous ones. To compare with other data sets, the heterogeneous histogram on customer key with q-error=2 has size of 15709 and was constructed for 1 hour, which is an order of magnitude slower than construction times for the data sets presented in the paper. This experiment suggests that some scalability issues (perhaps in the current implementation) may hinder general application of the idea for large tables with attribute domains with high number of distinct values.