Secondary review for the paper "Data Conflict Resolution Using Trust Mappingsā€ by W. Gatterbauer and Dan Suciu The paper proposes two algorithms for conflict resolution and their modification for bulk execution through SQL queries. The experimental section covers the main resolution algorithm (RA) with two different data sets, and its bulk execution using SQL Server. Only the first experiment, testing the java implementation of the RA algorithm over a synthetic data set, was prepared for repeatability evaluation. For the remaining experiments, the authors reported problems related to outside access to their internal SQL Server installation. One solution of this problem could have been to detach the database and provide it to reviewers who have an in-site SQLServer installation with pointers to the modifications needed in the java code. The primary review confirms the results of the experiment as well as the worst case quadratic behaviour described in the text. As part of the workability evaluation additional experiments were performed with varying graph configurations and the results obtained were as expected. Milena Ivanova