I have run the experiment 1 and 2. The code and instructions supplied were enough to run the experiments smoothly. Experiment 1: In total, 3 of the results presented in the paper are reproduced, 2 almost reproduced and 2 are not reproduced. I consider the experiment non-reproducible and I agree with the comments of the first reviewer about the randomness and the changes in the content of web providers. I present here comments on the 7 queries included in the paper using the numbers I reproduced in my testing: Q1: comparable results (one extra call for DF) Q2: F-RDF 106 results in 550 calls while DF returns 34 in 499 calls and F-RDF R gets 48 answers in 410 calls. Thus FRDF wins and the results are comparable. Q3: DF gets 5 answers in 94 calls and outperforms the other algorithms. Comparable results thus reproduced. Q4: all algorithms return 1 result. FRDF R is the best with 3 calls, then comes FRDF with 5 and then DF with 10. In the paper, the best was FDRF. Not reproduced. Q5: DF 510 results with 140 calls, FRDF R 755 results in 311 calls, FRDF 710 results with 244 calls. the results obtained in all the cases are much more than the ones presented int he paper. DF performs the best (results divided by calls) but in the paper FRDF is the winner. Not reproduced. Q6: DF gets 11 results in 10 calls, FRDF R gets 23 results with 156 calls and FRDF gets 23 results in 48 calls. DF performs the best (results VS calls) but FRDF gets 23 answers in a comparable number of calls per result as DF. Almost comparable results. Q7: all algorithms return 4 results. DF needs 8 calls while the others need 3. FRDF and FRDF-R perform the same. Comparable results, almost reproduced. Experiment 2: Fully repeatable. The right-most figure of figure 9 was reproduced and the tendencies remain the same. Experiment 3: pending Appendix: Results of experiment 1: Algorithm, Query, (Time, Web calls, Total results)* DF (q1), _1_frank, 937, 1, 1, 1526, 7, 1, , F-RDF (q1), _1_frank, 13, 0, 1, , F-RDF(R) (q1), _1_frank, 10, 0, 1, , DF (q2), _2_france_lite, 4233, 11, 23, 20195, 398, 25, 20613, 403, 34, 23781, 499, 34, , F-RDF (q2), _2_france_lite, 5, 0, 2, 460, 2, 3, 1095, 4, 23, 6187, 20, 38, 11058, 31, 50, 22792, 50, 65, 35236, 68, 69, 37203, 76, 73, 53042, 130, 75, 78970, 233, 86, 116948, 328, 89, 135715, 359, 104, 149780, 385, 105, 188140, 550, 106, , F-RDF(R) (q2), _2_france_lite, 8, 0, 2, 1794, 61, 23, 35545, 121, 29, 69053, 210, 37, 174979, 410, 48, , DF (q3), _3_frank, 588, 7, 3, 1116, 43, 4, 1414, 68, 5, 1882, 94, 5, , F-RDF (q3), _3_frank, 383, 13, 3, 2258, 54, 4, 5692, 238, 5, , F-RDF(R) (q3), _3_frank, 402, 31, 3, 2684, 168, 4, 4128, 251, 5, , DF (q4), _4_reese, 927, 10, 1, 1000, 13, 1, , F-RDF (q4), _4_reese, 141, 5, 1, , F-RDF(R) (q4), _4_reese, 96, 3, 1, , DF (q5), _5_wshakespeare, 1502, 21, 28, 4331, 123, 510, 4932, 140, 510, , F-RDF (q5), _5_wshakespeare, 13400, 154, 521, 16221, 175, 665, 40964, 244, 710, , F-RDF(R) (q5), _5_wshakespeare, 4047, 144, 510, 9333, 223, 518, 11366, 237, 662, 14635, 263, 665, 23047, 297, 710, 30490, 311, 755, , DF (q6), _6_frank, 438, 8, 11, 486, 10, 11, , F-RDF (q6), _6_frank, 111, 9, 11, 468, 29, 19, 773, 48, 23, , F-RDF(R) (q6), _6_frank, 93, 7, 11, 900, 89, 19, 1444, 156, 23, , DF (q7), _7_kristin, 96, 3, 4, 296, 8, 4, , F-RDF (q7), _7_kristin, 131, 3, 4, , F-RDF(R) (q7), _7_kristin, 143, 3, 4, , Results of experiment 2: Algorithm, Query, (Time, Web calls, Total results)* F-RDF (query-6-(without)), _6_frank, 615, 9, 11, 1393, 29, 19, 1892, 48, 23, , F-RDF (query-3), _3_frank, 489, 13, 3, 2678, 54, 4, 6507, 238, 5, , F-RDF (query-6-(with)), _6_frank, 61, 3, 11, 187, 14, 19, 478, 33, 23, ,